How To Open A Locked Door With A Knife? (Fast And Easy Methods)

How To Open A Locked Door With A Knife

Imagine coming home after a long day, you try to open the door but wait, it’s locked? And then it hits you how you left the house in a rush earlier and forgot the keys inside. Or perhaps you discover the bathroom door got locked in an accident and the keys are missing!

In both these case scenarios, the first thought that arises is, how can you unlock a door without a key?

The quickest way is to break a lock or pick it, so, there is no other choice but to lockpick your way through the door.

For this, you will most definitely require a tool and a specific technique as locks can prove to be very intricate and tricky. Since, there are several types of locks such as latch locks, button locks, etc. there are multiple ways to pick a lock too.

In this article, we will guide you through some unique techniques to lockpick with a knife and how they work with a step-by-step procedure.

How To Open A Locked Door With A Knife

What Tools are Required to Lockpick?

One easily accessible picking tool is a knife as it can be found in the house. Many people also carry a swiss army knife with them, which can prove to be helpful in this situation.

However, knives aren’t exactly the ideal method since most of them are way bigger than the keyhole or the bottom of the lock. But it doesn’t make them entirely worthless. All you need to know is a few handy tricks and some luck, then boom! Door unlocked.

What is Lockpicking?

Before we dive into the different ways to open a door using a knife, let’s first discuss the meaning behind lock picking.

Lockpicking is basically the art of opening a door or a lock by mimicking the mechanism of the key which is supposed to unlock it. This can be applied to door locks, padlocks, push button door knobs, etc.

Moreover, there is more than one technique to lockpick like “shimming”, “zipping”, etc. Your chances of success in lock picking can only be high if you are properly aware of the lock pick methods and have at least tried it once.

4 Ways to Lockpick with a Knife

4 Ways to Lockpick with a Knife

1. Torque Wrench and Lock method

This is the traditional lock-picking method where one simply uses the tension wrench for rotational torque and a lock pick that manipulates the pin.

However, the knife plays both of these roles in this technique. All you need is a knife with a blade smaller than the keyhole so it can enter and mess with the mechanics of the pins. The knife here will be used to wiggle the keyhole pins back in position and unlock the lock.

Follow the following steps for this method:

  • Insert Knife: Insert the sharp point of the knife in the lock till you can feel the tip of your knife meet the back of the lock.
  • Apply rotational force: apply turning force on the knife as you would with a key, this rotation will disturb the binding of the pins
  • Now shake: Apply wiggle-type motion and rock your knife back and forth to create movement between the pins and the knife after a few tries your lock should open.
  • Repeat: if the lock doesn’t open right away, then repeat the rotation movement and be gentle with it.

2. The assistance of another tool

This technique will use the torque wrench and lock method again. However, this time you will be using the knife as the turning tool while some other object like a credit card, paper clip, safety pin, hair clip, or an actual lock pick.

Make sure to only insert the slight tip of the knife in the slit of the door knob lock, leaving enough space to insert your other tool.

Here’s a step-by-step process for this technique

  • Insert the knife slightly at the bottom of the keyhole and apply a rotational force.
  • Next, add your tool, insert it, and remove it with a jerk, applying pressure on the pins. This method is known as “zipping” and its purpose is to apply pressure on the pins.
  • Give the lock 4 to 5 zips and if it still doesn’t apply rotational force reset the lock and repeat the zipping process.

3. Lever-type Door Knob

Lever-type Door Knob

This technique applies to slanted latch-type locks and requires a flat butter knife and a card-type material like credit cards.

Some doorknobs have a spring-loaded latch system connected to them which can be easily manipulated by applying pressure on the latch pocket connected sideways to the door frame by the door jamb. The spring-loaded system allows the latch to pull inside when external pressure is applied.

Here are a few tips you could use to check if this method would work on your type of door knob or not.

  • Hasn’t deadbolts: Make sure the door does not have a deadbolt because this system has a proper lock mechanism and will definitely prevent lock-picking activities.
  • The slant of the latch is facing you: Make sure the latch is facing you because in order for this method to work you need to push the card into the latch. If it is not facing you then it most likely won’t work either.

For this method, you can use a card or a simple butter knife. Slide it in between the door frame and the crack of the door till you find the door’s bolt.

Then apply pressure up and down from your card or knife. Take out the hair clip or unfolded paper clip and insert it with the knife to create extra exertion on the latch. Make sure to twist the doorknob along with this till the spring of the latch goes loose.

How to Detect If the Latch is Facing Towards You?

Check the hinges on the door, if they are on the opposite side then the latch is facing you but if the hinges are facing your side of the door then it is most likely the latch is not facing you.

4. Opposite Hinge Crisis

In the case where the hinges are on your side of the door instead of the usual opposite then you have an even bigger problem to deal with. The hinges should always be on the opposite end otherwise anyone can easily break into your house!

With that said, this method should have you in your house in no time. All it does is take a little physical effort and then home sweet home.

First, take your knife (make sure you don’t have a very sharp knife at hand otherwise it may damage your hand). Then use the knife to wedge between the door’s bolt and the base of the hinge.

Now apply pressure with a shaky motion and try to create a gap between the head of the bolt and the plate.

Once there is a noticeable gap you can easily take it out. However, make sure that you set all three bolts loose before removing them. This is so because if you take one off the door, the pressure on the rest might make it difficult for you to remove the rest.

Final Word

To sum up the article, knives can prove to be handy tools when it comes to unlocking a door without a key. Although not the most convenient since most knives are sharp and may harm your hand in the process unless they are handled correctly.

So, in order to avoid getting yourself stuck in this type of situation make sure to keep a few lockpicking tools at hand. And if not that then at least a blunt knife or some edgy tool for a make-shift lock pick when the time comes.

It is always nice to be careful and prepared for the uncalled beforehand!

On a side yet very important note, these lock-picking techniques should not be used to break into cars or houses! Breaking in is a strong criminal offense so unless you really have to do not take the door opening in your hands.

It is advised to call firehouses or such since most fire services or ambulances offer assistance to those locked out of their apartments or their houses.

Hopefully, this guide brought some clarity to your situation and the techniques were helpful enough. If you have any other lock-picking techniques up your sleeve then do share them in the comments below!

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