How to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows? (Easy And Cheap Ways)

How to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows? (Easy And Cheap Ways)

Imagine sunshine coming through the windows in its full glory and warming up the bedroom to the perfect temperature for you to finally throw away the blankets. Sounds like an ideal winter morning!

Sadly, the situation is the opposite in summer. The sun’s heat is almost scorching and unbearable. It is especially true for Florida, Texas, and Louisiana where the temperatures are considerably high.

If you’re tired of this summer heat too, it’s time to take action. Today, we will teach you how to block sunlight heat from windows using 10 proven methods. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

How to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows?

Should You Block Sunlight Heat from Windows?

Sunlight is an amazing light source. It’s bright, renewable, and costs you nothing. The interaction between the sun rays and your skin also converts the protein 7-DHC into active vitamin D.

Of course, the heat is a huge inconvenience. But, with so many benefits, should you really block the sunlight from windows? No sunlight would mean no heat!

Fortunately, things aren’t so black and white today. There are many gray options available that let you avail the benefit of sunlight while blocking the heat. These include window films, Low-E coatings, and several others. We’ll discuss them later!

Benefits of Blocking Sunlight Heat from Windows

Benefits of Blocking Sunlight Heat from Windows

Nobody likes it when the sun’s heat goes up to an uncomfortable level. Suddenly, your amazing sunny spot in the house becomes a fire pit. You can always get up and switch places.

But, if you pay a little more attention, you will see that the sun’s heat is not only affecting you. It is also affecting the entire house – negatively!

Here’s what the sunlight heat from windows does to your home:

  • Puts Load on Cooling Appliances

Central cooling systems and air conditioners have a design based on room temperature. They take in the hot air, cool it, and release it back into the room. This continues until the entire room is at the same temperature.

However, when the sunlight is coming through the window, a lot of heat is coming in too. The glass is a poor insulator of heat, which will let more of those harsh sun rays pass through and warm up the room.

The constant incoming heat means the room will never reach a uniformly cool temperature. No matter how cool the appliances try to make it, the heat from the windows will work against it. This puts a lot of load on the appliances and may damage them.

  • Increases the Electricity Bills & Carbon Footprint 

With appliances working longer and harder, it’s no wonder that the monthly electricity bills are likely to shoot up. You will find yourself paying much more than usual.

And it’s not only the energy bill. More energy consumption means an increase in carbon footprint. In case you don’t know, carbon footprint refers to the total carbon released into the air as a result of an activity. The more carbon footprint you have, the more damage you are doing to the world.

Perhaps, the benefits of blocking the sun’s heat from the window are quite evident now!

5 Best Ways to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows

5 Best Ways to Block Sunlight Heat from WindowsNow that we know why we must block the sunlight heat from windows. Let’s discuss some best-proven ways to block it!

1. Curtains & Window Blinds

Curtains and draperies are more than just decor. The fabric serves as an effective barrier between the sun’s rays and your home. So, draw them to prevent unwanted heat.

A great alternative to curtains and drapes is window blinds. They don’t fall from the ceiling to the floor, instead, they only cover the length of the window. This makes them a suitable option for home offices and study spaces.

Window blinds are also available in special options. For example, the heat-reflective window blind changes the direction of sunlight before it could be turned into heat energy. This lets the room temperature stay cool without drawing the curtains.

Similarly, blackout window blinds block both heat and light. They cast complete darkness and prevent glare, which makes them ideal for bedrooms.

2. Window Films

A window film refers to the thin laminate sheet that you can install on both the interior and exterior of the window. It comes in many types and helps block the heat accordingly. Some examples include:

  • Tinted window film – this is just a colored version that doesn’t block any heat. It only tints the sunlight passing through to a unique color.
  • UV-blocking window film – this prevents any harmful UV rays and radiation from passing through the window. As a result, the heat is blocked to some extent.
  • Blackout window film – similar to blackout blinds, these films block both sunlight and heat.

Please note that the window films are suitable for people who want to save space and make the heat-blocking measures discrete. The film will adhere to the window glass like screensavers on our smartphones.

3. Low-E Windows

If you wish to block the sunlight heat for a long time, it’s best to switch to Low-E windows. Low-E stands for low emissivity. These windows have high thermal efficiency, all thanks to their unique glass.

It’s a glazing glass with a very microscopic coating that causes a high proportion of external heat to be reflected back. This means no amount of heat enters or leaves the house through the windows. Plus, it is transparent and doesn’t block natural light.

4. Window Inserts

Inserts are another great way to block the sunlight heat from windows. In case you don’t know, an insert is a rigid frame designed according to your window size. It is wrapped in layers of plastic and lined with foam.

This creates a tight seal at the edges. Since the insert is fitted behind the existing glass, no heat escapes through the window panes and it forms a good insulation layer. This helps keep the daylight heat outside and the room heat inside.

5. External Window Shades

Sometimes, you don’t want to mess up the aesthetics of the window interior. And, sometimes, the summer season is too short for you to invest a handsome amount in installing plastic film and inserts – only to get them removed soon.

In this case, you might like external heat blocking window shades. Also called window awnings, they are installed at an angle on top of the exterior window. This gives you a little privacy and prevents the sunlight from directly hitting the windows. So, there’s little heat to worry about.

5 DIY Ways to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows

5 DIY Ways to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows

The above methods were highly effective, but also heavy on the pockets. If you don’t want to spend so much on blocking sunlight heat from windows and don’t mind aesthetics either, then the following DIY project ways will be useful:

1. Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap is not only for wrapping fragile products and ensuring their safety. It’s also an amazing insulator. The tiny bubbles of trapped air slow down the heat transmission between the environment outside and the thing wrapped.

So, you can take a long sheet of bubble wrap and neatly cover your window’s interior with it. You can also cover the external window if you prefer. This will create an insulative barrier to keep the sunlight heat out.

2. Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil is a very common household product. You might have a roll in the kitchen to bake food and cover things. Fortunately, it also has a highly reflective surface.

This means that if you place it on your window glass, you can reflect back the majority of sun rays into the environment. With fewer sunlight rays, there will be less heat coming through the windows.

3. Umbrella

A brilliant cheap alternative to external shades is to get an umbrella. It performs the same function as the awning shades, though it doesn’t drain your pockets. You can buy a new umbrella or find an old one from the attic.

Once you’ve it, place it at an angle in front of the window. Make sure it’s firmly positioned so that strong air doesn’t blow it away and render the heat-proofing process useless.

4. Rugs

Did you know that flooring can also contribute to the sun’s heat coming from windows? It reflects all the sunlight towards the window. Sometimes, it will absorb heat and become too hot to walk on.

To prevent this, put some rugs onto the flooring outside the window. This includes balcony, patio, and passageways. But if there’s earth outside or sandy pavement, don’t bother ruining those pretty rugs. You will need another way!

5. Plants

Plants use direct sunlight and its heat for conducting photosynthesis. They absorb all the heat energy. So, what could be a better option than placing plants on the windowsill?

It will not only look cute, but it will also add freshness to the environment. When the plant grows too tall, shift it to the garden and install new small ones.

Last Words

Sunlight heat from windows may be useful in the winter, but it’s a nuisance in summer. You should block heat immediately to make your house cool and comfortable. We’ve already discussed 10 unique ways to do so in the article above.

Do you have any more ideas? Share it with us in the comments below!

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