How to Install Fireplace Door? (Step-By-Step Tutorial)

The fireplace act as a source of warmth to the home during cold days and it helps lower room temperature. But it is not safe for homeowners to leave it open. The safest thing to do is turn off the fire or close the door of the fireplace when going out or during bedtime.

If you aren’t using a gas fireplace or the fireplace doesn’t have a door, it will be challenging to put off the fire or keep the flames in. Hence, you will need to install a fireplace door.

To have a safe fireplace, get the right door size for the firebox opening and install it. This article provides you with great guide on how to install fireplace doors.

Step-by-Step on Installing Fireplace Door

It is easy to install or replace fireplace doors since you only need to carefully fit it into the opening of the firebox. It is a lot simpler to carry out if you have a fireplace with a regular box-like shape or square.

However, it is a little more challenging to fix a fireplace door mounting hardware on a stone fireplace due to its jagged edges. When drilling the brick walls of the old fireplace, watch out as you may find the material brittle.

Ensure you have your fireplace door installation kit handy before carrying out the task. The following steps will guide on how to get this done.

Step 1: Install Lintel Clamps to Door

Install Lintel Clamps to Door

First, make the door stand on its bottom or tilt it to one side with your leg, or ask someone to help. Locate the lintel clamps and floor brackets at the back of the door, and use a screwdriver to remove the four screws. Ensure you keep them in a safe place because you are going to need them later.

Now is time to get together the two lintel clamps and fix them on the top part of the door. Tighten the screws that hold the lintel clamps to the top of the door and take note of the slots they should enter.  The slots allow adjustment until you get to the lintel lower part which runs along to the topside of the fireplace opening.

Next, install the L-shaped floor brackets and screw them in place at the bottom of the door. Avoid placing the glass door on its front side, or you may end up causing damage to the surface. This precaution is one of the essential steps when installing a fireplace door.

Step 2: Identify and Mark Screw Holes

Identify and Mark Screw Holes

Carry the door, carefully install it into the firebox opening, and ensure that you don’t accidentally scratch it. Gently align it in place and use a droplight to make the work easier and lighter. Mark the spots in the brackets with a sharpie or any useful marking tools at the spot where the brackets bottom and fireplace floor meet.

Step 3: Use a Drill to Make Holes for Lead Anchors

Use a Drill to Make Holes for Lead Anchors

After marking the spots, remove the door and carefully keep at a safe place. Use a drill with a 5/16-inch bit to drill a hole about 2 inches deep into the marked spots. After that, use a vacuum to blow off the particles from the drilled holes.

Use a hammer to drive in the lead anchor until it is the same level as the brick surface. The drilling should always be made through the brick and not on the mortar to make it firm and difficult to crumble. Keep your hand steady and drill straight to avoid any bend that will prevent the screws from fastening.

Step 4: Add Door Insulation

Add Door Insulation

Wear gloves before unrolling the fiberglass insulation that comes with the fireplace door. You may need to tear off some pieces to make sure they fit into the two sides and the top part of the door. Ensure the insulation goes appropriately into the three channels and do not bother if the fiberglass is not fluffy.

The primary purpose of fiberglass is to seal so well that no smoke goes out of the fireplace. It also helps to keep heat from ruining the finish of the door frame.

Step 5: Hold the Door with Screws

Hold the Door with Screws

Slide the door carefully into the fireplace’s opening and ensure the fireplace door insulation sticks out on the frame’s edge. The door and the fiberglass should be at the same level before you reaching inside to twist the screws through the brackets and lead anchors.

Use a socket wrench to tighten the screws until they firmly tight to the brick. However, the tightening should not be too keen to avoid damage to the screw or ruining the lead anchors.

Step 6: Hold Door to Lintel with Clamp

Hold Door to Lintel with Clamp

You can always adjust the clamps that hold the lintel bar on the firebox. Keep the clamp in such a way that it runs along with the entire depth of the lintel. Use your fingers to tighten the thumbscrew to clamp the hardware and lintel.

Once the thumbscrew is firm, use a pair of pliers to tighten it a little further. Avoid making the screw too tight, so you don’t spoil the clamp.

Why Installing Fireplace Doors is Necessary

An open fire is dangerous not only for kids in the house but for adults also. Flames and unattended fire can leap out and burn anything in its path.

While it is good to understand how to install a fireplace door, it is equally essential to know why installing a fireplace door is necessary.  Here the reasons for installing fireplace doors in your home.


The first and foremost reason is to make the fireplace safe for everyone in the home. You don’t want your little kids to burn themselves while playing close to the fire. Fixing fireplace door parts and locking it up when not in use will prevent unnecessary incidents of fire outbreaks or worse.

In addition to kids’ safety, it prevents pets like dogs and cats from entering the opening. Fireplace doors also help to limit the supply of air and erase a chimney fire incident.


To protect the home from fire accidents, you need a door to keep sparks from falling on combustible materials. Wood, rugs, furniture, and cloth close to the fireplace can easily catch fire and damage the home. Installing a fireplace door is a way to avoid such a disaster, especially in an already heated environment.

Fireplace doors are made from various materials, so you need to choose a heat-proof type. Fully-tempered safety glass with an aluminum frame is the right product that can serve the purpose well.


Mounting a door on your fireplace helps keep off unwanted guests such as rodents, raccoons, and birds from entering your home. Once you have the door in place and close it, this makes it difficult for rodents to have access to the house. But the best is to cover the top of your chimney with an iron mesh to prevent rodents or birds from entering.

If any pest gets trapped in the fireplace, call animal control, or scare them away, or even catch them with a net.


A fireplace is one facility that makes the home warm and homely. While the fireplace has its advantages, it can harm kids, pets, and household items. To prevent fire burns or outbreaks, you need to install a fireplace door. Knowing how to do it yourself will save more money on fireplace door installation cost since you won’t need the help of a professional.

It is easy to fix using the steps in this article and make sure you have all the fireplace installation kit ready. Once you have every tool and the right door size, remember to follow these simple steps:

  • Attach lintel clamps to the door
  • Use a marker to make a mark on spots where the firebox floor and bottom brackets meet
  • Drill holes on the marked spots where the lead anchors will enter
  • Install fiberglass insulation into all the three channels to contain smoke
  • Tighten the door to firebox floor with a screwdriver
  • Clamp the door and lintel together

If you have any questions regarding the process, or cannot find your way around DIY fireplace doors, use the comment section below.

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