Window Replacement Cost: 5 Tips to Save Money

Window Replacement Cost 5 Tips to Save Money

Everyone who owns the house needs to replace a few or all the windows at some point. Sometimes, new technology offers new solutions, and this activity is necessary to increase the energy efficiency of the home. Therefore, it is actually an investment that improves the quality of life, reduces energy bills by 15%, and increases the value of the house.

If you are in a position that you need to replace windows in your home, the first thing you should do is to calculate window replacement cost first. It is always a tricky part since many different factors contribute to the final price you need to pay. It includes labor costs for a qualified contractor, type of window you want to install, and the kind of material of the frame. Let’s see.

The average cost to replace windows

The simple calculation says that window replacement costs for the window panes and frames range from $200 to $1,800, but you need to count on an average of $500 to $650 per quality window.

Replacement window costs





$450 to $850
National average

$500 to $650

That means that the replacement of all the windows in an average three-bedroom house can run $3,000 to $10,000. If you are the owner of a larger home, you should prepare $20,000 in total for windows, material, and labor costs.

How expensive that job will be at the end, depends on a few factors, including:

  • Type and size of the window
  • The energy efficiency of the window
  • Necessary material
  • The company you choose

Replacement window costs

Low Mid-range High
Material Prices $120.00 – $150.00 $180.00 – $216.00

$276.00 – $336.00

Installation Cost

$150.00 – $168.00 $192.00 – $222.00 $240.00 – $270.00
Total $270.00 – $318.00 $372.00 – $438.00

$516.00 – $606.00

However, some other factors may affect window replacement cost, such as:

  • Unforeseen damage of the window structure
  • Necessary alteration of the existing frame
  • Unplanned but indispensable wrapping window trim
  • Difficult access to the window
  • If your windows contain lead, you will need to hire the lead-certified contractor, which will increase the labor costs for approximately 25%

Replacement Windows Cost by the Type of Frame


The window replacement cost will vary significantly depending on the frame material you decide to use. However, you should add 25% to 50% to the starting price if you need custom or larger projects, as well.


Standard vinyl is a popular material for windows, which will cost you from $100 to $900 on average. However, if you need to replace a picture window or large bay or bow one, the price will go up to $2,500.

On the other hand, if you have double-hung windows, especially if they are energy-efficient models, you need to count on approximately $400 to $600 per one.


The replacement cost of aluminum windows ranges from $75 to $400, but the price for some high-end or larger ones can reach $1,200. They are not so popular since they are not an energy-efficient solution.


Replacement of standard types of wooden frames, including installation, will cost you from $175 to $1,300, sometimes even more. Be prepared that the overall window replacement cost can be higher, depending on the existing window panes and the window casing.


If you have this type of windows, the window replacement cost will be at least 15% to 30% higher compared to the vinyl one. However, you shouldn’t hesitate to spend more since fiberglass windows are more durable, wooden-like, and energy-efficient.


Nowadays, clad window frames are probably the most expensive option. They have a vinyl shell over a frame made of aluminum and wood. The type of material will affect the average window replacement cost significantly, and it will vary from $300 to $2,000.


Composite windows, mixing wood fibers and PVC polymers, are a popular and attractive option, which replacement cost from $325 and $1,200. You may want to choose them since they are durable and have a wood look and excellent structural integrity.

Replacement Windows Cost by the Style

The window replacement cost varies depending on the style of window you choose, as well. There is a list of the prices you can expect, but keep in mind that they don’t include labor costs. Plus, you will need to pay 50% more for larger, custom, or ornate windows.

Storm window

When you need to replace a storm window, it will cost you from $50 to $300. These windows are a desirable option since they increase the energy efficiency of the house and protect walls.

Basement window


Since basement windows are usually affordable and small, the average window replacement cost for them is in a range from $50 to $500.

Single-hung window

The replacement of the traditional and a bit old-fashioned single-hung window runs from $100 to $400 each. It is a popular option because of the price, but you can use it mostly on the ground floor since its cleaning can be dangerous.

Double-hung window

Replacement of a double-hung window will cost you from $150 to $650 each, depending on the type of frame you choose and the quality of window panes. It is worth investing in this model since it provides excellent circulation and requires low maintenance.

Sliding or folding window


The replacement of the sliding windows will cost you approximately $150 to $800, while the window replacement cost for folding windows is from $500 to $900 per linear foot.

Casement or awning window

The window replacement cost of these hinged varieties is from $200 to $1,400, depending on their sizes and material of the frame. Even though they are slightly more expensive, they are worth every cent invested. These windows keep out cold and draft, which is crucial if you live in the region with harsh winters.

Picture window

The cost of replacing picture windows runs anywhere from $300 to $1,200, but you can expect a higher price if it is sizeable. Also, these windows are fixed in place, but some types include openings for ventilation, which will increase overall window replacement cost.

Egress window

Since egress windows can vary a lot, the replacement costs are in a wide range from $500 to $2,500. Be prepared that installing such a window in the basement may cost you up to $5,000, especially if you need to dig a window well or add a window well cover.

However, you need to install them by the law and maintenance it regularly since they can save your life in the case of an emergency.

Bay or bow window


Replacement of both bay and bow windows is highly expensive, and the price runs anywhere from $1000 to $4500. In some cases, you need to pay more than $10,000 if your window is large, have more window panes, or require framing or installation of roofing extras. The replacement of bow windows is always more expensive.

Custom windows

On average, window replacement cost for custom windows is from $1,000 to $5,000 or even more. It will depend on the contractor, who needs to order the windows of the desired size directly from the manufacturer.

Unfortunately, if you live in an old house without standard openings, you may pay even double for the window fitting the existing opening.

Replacement Windows Cost by Glass Pane


New windows with energy-efficient window panes can save you money by reducing your energy bills. You should know that all the windows on the market are rated by the U-factor. The most expensive ones are models with the lowest U-factor because they are the most energy-efficient.

Double-pane windows

Their replacement will cost you from $115 to $350, but they will save up to 24% energy if you live in the region with a cold climate. However, savings can be up to 18% if you live in hot climates. In other words, you need to pay this type of window more initially, but it will pay off over time.

Impact-resistant windows

The window replacement cost for an impact-resistant window runs from $25 to $55 per sq. ft without labor costs. That means the replacement of an average single-hung window will cost you from $250 to $750.

Tips to Save Money

Since looking for low-quality replacement windows is not an excellent idea, you should find the other options to save money once you decide to replace your windows, including:

1. Negotiations

You can always negotiate a lower price with a chosen replacement window company since the competition in this area is fierce.

2. Avoiding unnecessary extras

Most extras that window companies offer can improve the window, but they are always optional. In some cases, they are not necessary at all. For example, you may not need:

  • Laminate exterior glass resistant to breakage
  • Between-glass shades
  • Mullions

3. Choosing common window styles

Sticking to common styles is always a cheaper option. If you want to save some cash, you should avoid curves, circles, or highly expensive bay and bow windows.

4. Buying cheaper window materials

Yes, wooden windows are the premium choice, but you can purchase quality vinyl or fiberglass frames that are eye-catching, but less expensive.

5. Providing the material by yourself

Look for discarded building material. It is not always for waste. Often, former owners throw old windows away because they are spare. You can’t imagine how much you can save by sourcing a project’s materials.

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