Tiny Bugs in Bathroom and Window Sills (Removal Methods)

Tiny Bugs in Bathroom and Window Sills

Did you notice some tiny bugs in the bathroom and window sills? Most homeowners won’t really bother about these little black bugs, especially if you only see a small number of them moving around. However, this is already a sign of infestation.

Seeing these tiny black bugs on your window sills mean that they are trying to go into your house. These pests are a nuisance and they even cause damage to your home. We listed down some of the common bugs that you might see in your bathroom and window sills and the simple ways to prevent them from entering.

List of Tiny Bugs that Enter your Bathroom and Window Sills

1. Phorid Flies

Phorid Flies

If you look at this pest closely, you might think that they are just harmless fruit flies. Phorid flies are hump-backed bugs that usually stay and scuttle around your windows to escape.

This bug is often found outside your home and it stays around things that are decaying. However, during the summer season, they become attracted to lights and they will end up staying in your windows.

Take note that this type of insect usually breeds when there is enough moisture. This is the reason why they usually scuttle around the bathroom windows and they even go to your laundry room. Once they get inside, they will start breeding like crazy.

Phorid flies are known to be very dangerous to humans because they carry diseases. Since they usually eat decaying animal droppings, they might be carrying unknown germs and bacteria that can cause severe reactions in humans.

There are a few simple things that you can do to make sure that these bugs will stay away from your home and windows.

  • You have to keep your home and bathroom clean at all times. Old food should be thrown outside and you need to clean your pet droppings. Regularly vacuuming your floors and cleaning your dirty dishes will keep them at bay.
  • Seal the holes in the walls and foundation of your house. They usually take advantage of this so you have to close them down.
  • You have to drain your gutter properly because they love moisture. Don’t let rainwater get stuck in the gutters as these flies will stay there.

2. Clover Mite

Clover Mite

It’s very easy to spot small bugs crawling around your window. Clover mites are one of those tiny black bugs that you can find around your window sills. These mites seem to have a black color when you see them from afar, but they are red or brown up close.

Clover mites can get attracted to sunshine so they often go to windows that are exposed to the sun. If the small bugs in your window sills are clover mites, you don’t need to be alarmed as they are usually harmless. The only problem with them is the red stain they leave behind when smashed.

Although they are harmless, you don’t want an infestation to happen inside your home. It would be annoying to see a lot of clover mites hanging around your window sills.

Here are some of the things that you can do to remove them:

  • Get your vacuum and start sucking up all of the mites that you can find on the window sill. Make sure that you empty the contents of your vacuum as soon as you are done so they won’t climb back. Vacuum can also prevent stains.
  • You can use sticky traps if there are not a lot of mites on your window sill. You can just place these traps near their path and wait for them to step on them.
  • Seal your house properly, especially the windows. You can hire a professional to make sure that these mites won’t be able to enter the house.

3. Booklice

Booklice or psocids are small gray beetles that stay on the window sill. They usually thrive in humid areas as they feed on fungi, algae, and mold. Well, windows usually accumulate molds and fungus so these pests can be found on sills.

Basically, you can find them in potted plants, books, wallpaper, furniture, and windows. This type of bug is not harmful since they don’t bite, cause harm to food and clothing, and they don’t spread illness. However, they are bothersome once they start multiplying.

What are the simple ways to deal with your booklice problem?

  • The first thing to do is to deal with their food supply. Clean your house with the use of enzymes and boric acid. This will keep your house free from molds and mildew, which is their primary target.
  • Start using a dehumidifier or you can turn on your air conditioner in the areas that are infested by booklice. This would help reduce the moisture in the area below 50 percent, which is a good way to force them to find another place to thrive.
  • Look for things that are full of molds. Dispose of them immediately.
  • Bringing the temperature below the freezing point for about an hour can also kill the booklice. Not everyone would do this as it is not practiced in homes. However, you can do this for other items where the bugs are living.
  • The use of silica aerogel is also a good way to stop these bugs from thriving inside your house. you can put them in cracks and crawl spaces to dry them out. This will force the bugs to move out.

4. Ants


This is a bug that you can certainly identify even from afar. Ants are very destructive and they cause a lot of problems in your house. Most of them bite as well so it’s not a good idea to just let them build their colonies in your house.

If you see a few ants crawling in your bathroom and window sills, you can expect that more of them will come, especially if they found a source of food. If you have leftover food on the floor, garbage, or any other place in your home, you can expect these ants to go there along with the colony.

Ants also attack wood inside your home. They always dig holes and tunnels because this is where they put their eggs and build a colony.

The only known solution to deal with ants is to find their nest and kill them. This is extremely hard because there are instances where the nests are located outside your house and not inside. They just made a tunnel that would allow them to go in and out of your house with ease.

This would require the work of a professional exterminator. They can find the nest and destroy it. They would also check your surroundings to make sure that these ants will not return.

5. Gnats


Gnats are black flies that look like mosquitoes. This type of bug usually swirls around your windows because they are following the light source inside. There is also a chance that they already made a nest outside your house.

When they stay outdoors, the females lay eggs on wet soil beds and compost piles. They reproduce extremely fast and it would only take a few weeks for the larvae to turn into adults. This will become more problematic if they managed to get inside the house.

You’ll find them hovering around the rooms of your home. As long as there is a light source, you can expect them to be there. They can even enter your coffee makers, refrigerators, and even your dishwashers. This bug usually lays its egg in clogged sink drains and cat litter boxes.

Here are some of the things that you can do to deal with this infestation:

  • Start using a bug zapper. These devices usually attract the gnats and kill them. Since these bugs get attracted to light easily, you can put the zapper near the area where they usually stay.
  • Vinegar traps can work as well and it’s very cheap. Put a bowl near the area where they are staying and use apple cider vinegar. Add a teaspoon of dish soap and a teaspoon of sugar. This would prevent these bugs from escaping and they would be killed.
  • Candle traps are a good choice as well, but it’s a bit dangerous since you have to keep them on the whole night. Put 1/4 inch of water in a bowl and add some dish soap. Place the candle holder inside the bowl and place the candle. They would be attracted to the flame and diet.


It’s not too difficult to handle tiny bugs in bathroom and window sills as long as you know what to do. It would be time-consuming to do it on your own so it’s better to hire pest control professionals. Make sure that you handle the infestation as soon as possible if you don’t want these bugs to bother you.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and we will answer you right away.

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