How To Unlock A Door With A Hole In Knob (Fast And Easy)

How To Unlock A Door With A Hole In Knob

Do you have one of those doorknobs that have a hole in the center? More importantly, are you locked out of that room, have lost your private key, and need to find a way in?

If so, then you’re going to want to keep reading. Even though this doorknob may have you stumped, fortunately, there are some easy methods for unlocking it.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss a variety of tools and techniques that can help you open these types of locks quickly and easily. We’ll cover everything from bobby pins to paper clips. We’ll also provide detailed instructions on how each method works so you can choose the best one for your situation.

So if you’re ever stuck outside of a room without any way to get back inside it, read on for some helpful tips on unlocking doors with doorknobs that have holes in them!

Let’s get started!

How to Unlock Door with Hole in Knob

Basics About Doorknobs with a Hole in the Center

The first thing we need to do is understand the basics of the doorknob you have. This will help you better understand what you are dealing with when trying to unlock one.

Doorknobs with a hole in the center can be either a round knob or a handle mechanism. This type of locking mechanism has either a push-button lock or a turning lock on the inside. of the doorknob and a hole in the center of the outside.

This type of doorknob is typically found on interior doors and is used to provide privacy. The reason it is called a “privacy lock” is because it doesn’t offer security in the same sense as an exterior door with a deadbolt might, but it does provide a sense of privacy since the doorknob can be locked from the inside.

When a push-button door is locked, you can unlock it from the inside simply by turning the handle or knob. When a turn-button door is locked, you have to turn the button in order to open it from the inside. Neither door will open from the outside even if you turn the knob, unless you have a pin key to insert into the hole.

A pin key is a long, thin metal rod, typically with a loop on one end in order to hook it on your finger for easier use. It is the same size as any other generic key, and it resembles a pin, except for the fact that the end is not pointy and sharp. It will be a blunt end for a push-button door or flat and grooved on the end for turn-button doors.

If you do not have access to a pin key, though, there are other methods you can use.

Tools Needed

Now that we know what type of doorknobs and locks we’re dealing with, let’s take a look at some of the tools you may need to unlock doors with a hole in one side of the knob.

Tools Needed
Image Credit: wikiHow

Tools that are Long and Thin

In most cases, these doorknobs only need something thin and pointed to go into the hole in the knob. This could be anything:

  • a paper clip
  • a hex key (also known as an Allen wrench set)
  • a bobby pin
  • a tiny screwdriver and so on

Tools that Wedge into the Lock

If you have nothing to stick inside the hole in the door, you might have to use something to wedge into the lock. This could be:

  • a butter knife
  • a credit card
  • a loyalty card
  • or a library card

You just need to be careful not to damage the doorknob or the lock itself.

Instructions on How to Unlock a Door with a Hole in the Knob

Now that we have covered the different types of tools you might need, let’s take a look at how to unlock a doorknob with a hole in it.

Step 1: Insert Something Thin and Pointed

Insert Something Thin and Pointed
Image Credit: revolar

First, insert something thin and pointed into the keyhole, such as a paper clip, hex key, or wire clothes hanger. If it is a push-button lock, stick the object straight in without moving it around and see what happens. If you hear a pop on the inside of the lock, then the lock has opened.

However, if it’s a turn-button lock, you’ll move on to the next step.

Step 2: Move the Object Around

If sticking the object straight in doesn’t work, you may need to start moving it around in circular motions until you hear a click.

Step 3: Open the Door

If you do hear a click, then you can open the door by turning the doorknob. Of course, if this works, then you can stop at this step and you do not need to proceed to any of the next steps. However, if the door did not open, you may need to try the last method, which is a bit more complicated and finicky.

Step 4: Wedge Something Along the Edge of the Door

Wedge Something Along the Edge of the Door
Image Credit: unitedlocksmith

If the doorknob does not open, then you can try wedging something along the edge of the door. This could be a butter knife or it could be something flat like a credit card, as we have mentioned earlier.

Wedge it in between the door knob and the door jamb and start twisting. Gently jiggle the door knob handle at the same time until you hear a click. This means that the lock has been released and you should be able to turn the latch now.

Step 5: Use a Lock Picking Tool

Use a Lock Picking Tool
Image Credit: WIRED

If you do not have the key and none of the other methods work, then you may need to use a lock picking tool. This is something that is used by professional locksmiths and should be done with care and caution.

Once you have inserted the tension wrench into the lock cylinder, wiggle the small hex key or pick until you hear a click. This means that the lock has opened.

Step 6: Remove the Doorknob from the Door

If all else fails, then you will need to remove the doorknob from the door. To do this, use a small screwdriver to unscrew the mounting screws on either side of the doorknob. Once you have unscrewed the doorknob, you should be able to lift it off the door and access the interior side of the lock.

Once you are inside, use either a tiny screwdriver to unlock the doorknob from the door frame. This will depend on what type of privacy lock you have. Once you do this, the doorknob should come open and you can use it to get into the bedroom or bathroom, etc. with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions about Doorknobs with a Hole in One Side

Now that you know how to unlock doorknobs with a hole in one side, let’s take a look at some of the frequently asked questions.

Q1: Do These Methods Work with Any Type of Doorknob?

These methods only work if the door has a hole in one side. This will generally be an interior doorknob.

Q2: Is There Anything Else I Should Consider Before Trying to Pick the Lock?

Yes, you should consider the size and shape of the doorknob handle and also make sure that you have all the necessary tools on hand before trying to pick the lock. You should also see if there is anyone on the other side of the door who could help you unlock it from the inside.

Q3: How Do I Know if my Doorknob has a Privacy Lock?

If your doorknob has a small hole near the center of it, then it likely has a privacy lock installed. You will need to use either a tiny screwdriver or the pin method mentioned above to unlock it from the outside of the doorknob.

Q4: What is the Pin Method?

The pin method is a process in which you insert tiny items such as paperclips and bobby pins into the doorknob hole. This will cause the doorknob to unlock and open.

Q5: Can You Unlock a Doorknob with a Hole in One Side from the Opposite Side (with No Hole)?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to unlock doorknobs with a hole in one side from the opposite side unless you happen to use one of the methods listed above to do so.


If you do find yourself locked out, don’t panic! With the right tools and techniques, you can easily unlock doorknobs with a hole in one side.

Whether you are trying to get into a locked bathroom door or really any privacy door in your home, these tips should help get you inside quickly and safely. Just remember to take your time and make sure that all parts of the doorknob are secure before attempting to pick or unlock it. Good luck!

Have you ever had to pick your way through one of these locks? Let us know about your best tips in the comments below.

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