Do Window Shutters Block Out Light?

Do Window Shutters Block Out Light

Sun rays entering the room can be a problem for many people who like sleeping longer and enjoy spending mornings in total darkness. Plus, those who work night shifts require a pinch black environment to sleep after a long working night. Therefore, they look for a perfect solution to block out light.

The market is overflowed with various products that promise a dark bedroom environment, but very few of them live up to consumers’ expectations. If you think about installing one of these products in your home, you should check do window shutters block out light enough. Only that way, they can be an excellent option for your home.

Window Shutters History

Looking back at ancient Greece, you can see that people used plantation shutters made of wood and marble in those ancient times. They fixed marble slats to windows, making them convenient for ventilation and preventing strong breeze inside their houses.

Later on, the shutters evolved and became typically wooden. People didn’t use them only for pests protection and providing breeze, but also for light blocking. With their introduction, the explosion of woodcraft masters reached the pinnacle of creating great shutters in different styles and forms.

Finally, window shutters were introduced to the New World and quickly spread on the newly discovered market. Nowadays, they are not only a necessity like in ancient Greece but also a part of interior décor.


Shutter Types

Shutter Types

Since shutters have become a part of the interior and exterior design, you can find them in various styles on the current market. The most common and relevant to the light blocking issue are:

Panel shutters

You can recognize two types of panel shutter, including:

  • Raised panel shutters
  • Louvered panel shutters

Both versions are popular and efficiently block the sun. They look like door or kitchen cabinet doors and are easily combined in different architectural styles.

The only light that goes through is the light between the slats and panels. In other words, they are highly recommendable for sun blocking and keeping the place cool on summer days. The only difference between the two is in slot appearance.

  • Raised panel shutters

This shutter type doesn’t have slots, meaning they are not light adjustable.

  • Louvered (plantation) shutters

These shutters have horizontal adjustable slots. You can move them up and down, blocking or allowing the sun to shine in.

The amount of light coming through them is minimal, and they are the most popular slight blocking option on the current market. These shutters got their name as the houses on plantations in South America used that style.

Board and batter shutters

Horizontal boards connected with two or more vertical panels look typically western and rural, and most people recognize them as a part of farm areas. They can be impractical since the space between the boards presents a problem when it comes to blocking the sun.


Do Window Shutters Block Out Light?

Do Window Shutters Block Out Light 1

Shutters provide partial blackout

Balanced sleep is crucial for conducting a healthy life. People who work shifts know that even 10 minutes of sleep makes a difference to their daily routine. Research results show that light affects sleep and can make a big difference in the long run.

First, nothing can stop light from coming into your room unless it is without windows. Some people may be suspicious when it comes to shutters as they have gaps between louvers or slots. However, they still represent the best solution for this purpose.

Window shutters can successfully protect you from sun rays and provide almost a total blackout, particularly those with big louvers. If you choose a model with wide slats, there won’t be so many gaps in-between them, and less light will come into your bedroom.

Total darkness combinations

If you insist on having total darkness, you can always make a combination of two or more sun-blocking products. Here are some ideas that proved to be good in everyday life.

  • Shutter-curtain combination

Combining these two options can be a jackpot because cracks from shutters will be annulated by the curtain. Plus, combining these two styles can be ideal for decorating and innovating the interior of your home. The curtain will soften the look of your rooms, bringing a domestic atmosphere.

  • Shutters with blinds

Shutter with blinds can be a win-win combination for people who don’t prefer curtains. In this case, blinds are integrated behind the shutter panel in a unique frame, providing maximal light blockage.

The shutter-blind combination is more expensive than the previous option, but you can’t put a price on health and tight sleep. It is also possible to order custom-made blinds to fit your décor better if your budget allows this solution.

Other options

As I have already mentioned, window shutters are the best option to block the unwanted brightness from your sleeping den.

However, you can find many other possibilities in the current market. Let’s look at the solutions you have at your disposal and how they differ.

  • Overlapped shutters

If you pick out shutters with overlapped slats, you can be sure that they block the light almost completely. They are built in the window and often have no cracks. On top of all, you can control the amount of light when you are not sleeping by opening them a bit.

  • Blinds

Blinds block sun rays as they are made of solid material. Unfortunately, the gaps around the edges represent the problem in this case because they let the sunshine in. Also, every window usually has two or more blinds that don’t overlap perfectly and let sun rays inside your home.

  • Curtains

Curtains are made of different fabrics, and the amount of light entering your room depends on the fabrics’ density.

Unfortunately, all materials let sun rays go through them more or less, meaning they are a less suitable option for blocking the sun. Plus, they are typically made from at least two parts, allowing the light to come through the openings.


Shutters Benefits

Shutters Benefits

Not every invention from ancient civilization finds its purpose in the modern world. Despite the centuries, window shutters have justified their purpose and are still widely used in most households. The reasons for that are numerous.


Window shutters made of solid material are efficient insulators for all seasons. Therefore, you can expect them to block sun rays in the summer and protect you from severe winds and cold weather in the winter.

Additionally, shutters are fantastic sound insulators. As you can expect, they will reduce noise, making a living comfortable even in a busy street.

Reducing costs

Having excellent insulation characteristics causes lower energy costs in your household. So, you will spend less money on cooling in the summer or heating during the winter, lowering your energy bills.

A better option than curtains and blinds

I have already mentioned that shutters are better at blocking the light than blinds and curtains. You can also expect them to last longer. Once you purchase shutters, you can solve the home protection problem in the long run. They can last more than 20 years if you care for them well.

Less dust and fewer allergies

Another significant advantage is that shutters don’t trap much dust like curtains. It is crucial for people suffering from dust allergies. This solution is highly beneficial for them and an excellent and clean option for everybody.

Decorative and modern solution

The shutters are always in as the endless inspiration for architects and interior and exterior designers. They can look vintage, modern, and luxurious, fitting every style. In a word, they are a timeless option that never goes out of fashion.

Wide color options

The shutters come in different colors, but black and white models are the most popular in the US. Both colors are practical because they are easy to combine with the interiors and exteriors of most houses.

Remember that the color of the shutters doesn’t affect blocking the light. In other words, both black and white shutters block the light evenly.

In ancient and modern Greece, the most popular shutter color is marine blue which goes perfectly with the white walls of Greek houses. The South American style is sophisticated, and most plantations have white shutters on house windows.

White window shutters make your home look more spacious and clear, making them a perfect option for you, particularly if you live in a small apartment. On the other hand, black shutters look more sophisticated and create an elegant appearance in the room.


Another crucial shutters advantage is keeping your privacy intact. With just one stroke of your hand, you can make your home hidden from the eyes of others, which is handy for houses placed in a less intimate neighborhood.



Window shutters can’t stop the light most efficiently as other light-blocking solutions. However, they can make your room dark when combined with other blockers, like curtains or blinds.

Additionally, window shutters are decorative for the home exterior and interior and are excellent insulators and money savers. After looking into all the advantages that shutters offer, you can conclude they are the best possible choice for blocking light you can find nowadays.

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