Window Glazing Putty Vs. Caulk: Which Is Better?

Window Glazing Putty Vs. Caulk: Which Is Better?

The window frames of your home play a crucial role in providing it with protection from extreme weather conditions, as well as ensuring its energy efficiency. When it comes to sealing the window frames and preventing air leaks, there are two commonly used materials: window glazing putty and caulk. While both these materials serve similar…

How to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows? (Easy And Cheap Ways)

How to Block Sunlight Heat from Windows? (Easy And Cheap Ways)

Imagine sunshine coming through the windows in its full glory and warming up the bedroom to the perfect temperature for you to finally throw away the blankets. Sounds like an ideal winter morning! Sadly, the situation is the opposite in summer. The sun’s heat is almost scorching and unbearable. It is especially true for Florida,…