What Can I Use to Cover My Garage Windows? (An Ultimate Guide For You)

What Can I Use to Cover My Garage Windows

Rooms with windows are expected to have some kind of shade protecting them, and your garage window should not be exempted. With the right coverage, your garage window would look more presentable than ever and even twice as secure. Having a garage with windows implies that you put into consideration lots of things such as your privacy and of course, budget.

You might be wondering, “what can I use to shield my garage window when it comes to garage coverages, and still have partial visibility?”

The truth is, there are tons of options, but choosing the perfect one can be quite a hassle. However, with the information provided in this article, you would not have a problem getting the perfect cover for your garage window.

How to Select the Ideal Window Coverings

There are certain things to look out for when selecting a window coverage for your garage. This could be based on your aesthetic preference, needs, and budget;

1. Style

The general outlook of your garage is a major determining factor in the type of coverage you would purchase. If your garage has more of a finished interior look, going for a blind or even roller might be the perfect nice choice. For garages with a simpler look, wax papers and simple fills will partner well.

2. Level of Privacy

Certain coverages provide you with 100% privacy while others can provide just a decent layer of privacy. Purchasing any of these types of coverages is solely up to you and the amount of privacy you wish to achieve.

3. Light

If you want a little amount of light to seep into your garage during the day, go for frosted windows and their window films. Do not mistake it that they do not give you your required privacy because they offer as much protection as you require. Only go for this option if you aren’t concerned about people peeping into your garage.

Frosted windows are quite distinct from blinds and rollers as they do not require to be pulled up before you can get light in your space.

Ideal Garage Window Coverages to Consider
Image Credit: bmrgroupconstruction

Ideal Garage Window Coverages to Consider

1. Blinds

Blinds are well-known for adding beauty to any space they are introduced to; it complements your environment perfectly. Using blinds for garage windows is one of the best ways to incorporate privacy and beauty into your space. The best option of blinds to go for would definitely be vinyl blinds because they match perfectly when used on garage windows.

They offer privacy while still giving you the ability to control how much sunlight enters your space; do not forget they are also a very tough type of blind. The only downside in using this type of blind is the need to regularly clean them up as they tend to accumulate debris with time.

You can also make use of bleach when cleaning it but sparingly because, without caution, you can cause damage to your blind.

2. Wax Papers

Wax papers are probably one of the easiest coverages to go for; not forgetting the fact that it’s very budget and user-friendly. All you need to do is tape your wax paper to your garage window after sizing it.

If you wish to do it without adding the wax paper using tape, corn starch is also a super replacement. Simply apply the paste on your window then attach the wax paper to your garage window, and ensure it sits for quite some time so it hardens properly.

3. Frosted Glass Windows

Another effective way for covering your window is the frosted glass window. It helps in reducing the visibility of your garage window from the outside while still giving access to the outside world from the comfort of your garage.

Frosted glass windows are perfect if you desire an aesthetically pleasing space that adds a bit of privacy as well to your garage. One thing you should note about this particular coverage is that it does not prevent UV rays from entering your garage; so you have a nicely lit space that is still private.

Rice Paper
Image Credit: holly_moyer_design

4. Rice Paper

Because of the pattern and texture of rice papers, they are an excellent choice for covering garage windows, especially large windows. Asides from this benefit, rice paper also offers a unique type of look in your home; more like a serene and calm environment.

You do not even need to make use of tape or glue to apply some rice paper covers on your garage window. Simply measure your garage window, cut your paper to fit the size, and spray your window down right after you clean the rice paper with water.

Once it has been thoroughly cleaned, put your rice paper on your garage door windows to achieve a glazed look.

5. Interior Shutters

Interior shutters are one of the most ideal covers when dealing with garage window coverages. There are various types of these covers but one of the best remains the vinyl interior shutter. This particular cover can be installed on the outer part of your window with little to no stress. The durability of vinyl shutters makes it a one-in-a-million kind of cover that can withstand numerous kinds of beating for years.

Asides from providing protection, it can also be used as curtains for your garage windows because it provides one of the most attractive looks.

Reasons You Should Get Garage Window Coverages

It is not a general rule that you must cover your garage windows, however, there are certain benefits that you can enjoy from doing this. Some of them include:

1. Spice Up Your Garage Look

If turning your garage into another living room or space is your goal, then to give it a finishing touch, adding a windowed garage is your best bet. The best types of window coverages to put for this aesthetics are insulated cellular and even rollers. This gives your garage a modern look rather than the regular traditional storage look.

Blinds like this are quite easy for you to fix on your windows and they also help in increasing your heat savings by up to about ten percent.

2. Privacy

Of course, the privacy that comes with adding a window blind is superb, so why should your garage window be left out? Including this in your space enables you to carry out your work without being worried about onlookers.

According to research, it has been proven that most burglary incidents and attempts occur as a result of unprotected garages. A garage window not secured makes room for easy spying by these burglars, so getting garage window coverage protects you from all these.

Steps on How to Properly Cover Your Garage Window
Image Credit: haywoodcountryclub

Steps on How to Properly Cover Your Garage Window

We have already established that one of the most inexpensive ways to protect your garage window or even add beauty and color to your garage is through the installation of garage window coverages.

There are however means to effectively install these covers in your garage without causing damage and ensuring they appear very neat.

Begin by selecting an adhesive for an easy window cover. Next, you measure the width and length of your window, then cut your frosted paper or tinted film to fit into the measurement.

Further proceed by peeling off the backing of the paper and sticking it to the window, then smoothening it out for a perfectly finished look.

If you are going for blinds, then the procedure will be a bit different. Measure the window and purchase a blind that fits in the necessary dimensions. Blinds might not come in the right dimensions that would fit your window, so you can opt for custom-made ones and hire a professional to re-size and install them for you.

Tips to Ensure your Garage is Secure

Installing a garage window cover is the first way to protect your home. However, there are other measures you need to take;

  • Window thickness: When mounting a window for your garage, ensure that it is thick enough to withstand all kinds of weather. Most of the time, burglars break in through the garage, and installing a thick window is a superb way to deter them.
  • Provision for an alarm system: This is one of the best ways to keep track of the happenings in your home. Installing an alarm system paves way for extra security in your home in addition to having garage window covers.
  • Ensure your garage doors are secured: When installing door locks, opt for the best quality for your garage doors. Not only do they last you for a very long period, but they also add extra security to your home. Having your space secured makes it difficult for burglars to break into your home.


Getting the ideal cover for your garage window can be quite tedious without the right steps and guidance.

For security measures, you need to be conscious about what to use in covering your garage windows. Using faux wood blinds will offer a certain level of security, and it’s one of the most affordable options, plus it’ll still allow natural light to penetrate.

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