How to Soundproof a Window? (Tricks & Guides)

How to Soundproof a Window (Tricks & Guides)

Nowadays, unwanted sounds have become a part of our lives, and it seems that most people find it hard to tolerate this situation. Fortunately, there are a lot of DIY methods on how to soundproof a window. That way, you can reduce the noise in your home.

The first thing you should do is to identify the exact place where the sounds enter your home. In most cases, they enter houses through the windows. Check if your windows are in a decent condition and use one of these methods to soundproof them efficiently.

The Best Methods to Soundproof a Window

Before hiring a professional, you can try one of these efficient ways to soundproof a window in your home and reduce the noise. Let’s find the best solution for you.

1. Rearrange the furniture

Since noise goes around until reaching both hard and soft surfaces, it will lose a part of its energy and die out each time it gets to them. As you can guess, rearranging the existing furniture and making obstacles to the path of the sound is an excellent solution to solve at least the part of the problems with the unpleasant noise.

Pick out a few soft pieces of furniture with uneven surfaces, and arrange them in the room. They will absorb most of the noise by reducing echo. On the other hand, you can choose some hard and flat pieces, which can block the sound from entering the room.

Basically, you can do the job in two different ways. One is to entirely block the window by placing bookshelves, closets, or couch in front of it. The disadvantage of this solution is that you will prevent sunlight from entering, as well.

Another solution to soundproof a window is to arrange the furniture next to the window. That way, these pieces will absorb a certain amount of noise without preventing the light from entering the house.

2. Thick soundproof curtains


Placing bay window curtains or bathroom window curtains is an efficient, decorative, and cheap solution to soundproof a window.

Even though this particular method can’t block the sounds entirely, it can prevent most of the noise from entering the house and reduce the echo. Plus, you can combine curtains with other methods, as well.

The primary disadvantage of this option is that curtains will reduce the level of sunlight from coming inside. If you like your room to be bright and warm, this is not the best solution for you.

3. Soundproof moving blankets

If you need a quick reaction but have no time or money to buy window curtains at the moment, you can improvise and solve the problem by using the soundproof moving blankets.

These blankets made of a few layers of dense materials, such as polyester, woven cotton, mineral wool, or fiberglass, will reduce the considerable level of unwanted sounds coming through the windows.

It will be best to pick out the blankets with grommets to make their hanging over the window so much easier.

4. Professional acoustic panels


These acoustic panels, made of quilted fiberglass, work like blankets, but they are much thicker and bulkier. So, the level of reducing the noise will be higher.

Thanks to its uneven surface, fiberglass is well-known as an excellent sound barrier and reduce the echoes successfully.

Since these panels have brass grommets on all sides, you won’t have much trouble to install them. Hang panels as closer to the window as possible for the best effect.

The disadvantage of this option is a high price. Plus, they are not the prettiest solution you can choose. However, they soundproof a window effectively, which makes them worth every cent.

5-6. Remove gaps around the windows

Take a closer look at your windows to see if there are some tiny gaps between them and the wall. There are a few efficient and cheap ways to solve this problem.

  • Acoustic caulk

Use acoustic caulk to soundproof a window by blocking all possible gaps between the edge of the window panes and the wall. That way, you will prevent most of the sounds from coming into.

The effect of this procedure will be excellent, but you should take care to repeat it at least once in three or four years. I like this solution because it helps with sealing gaps and noise reduction in the long run.

  • Weather-strips

As well as help to retain heat, these strips are very effective in lowering the level of noise coming from outside.

Buy the weatherstripping tape made of foam, silicone, or rubber. Which material you choose will depend on the overall look of the window, possible friction, and its exposure to weather.

After approximately half an hour of work, you will soundproof a window and protect your home from the noise, cold, dust, insects, and water leakage at the same time. Plus, it is a cheap solution.

7. Window blinds and shutters


Installing any type of window blinds made from a thicker fabric will reduce the unwanted noise from the outside. Nowadays, the best option to soundproof a window is installing particular honeycomb cell shades.

Their construction helps to get a lot of acoustic benefits. Moreover, you can pick out the ones with double cells. The best of all is that the installation is not too complicated, and you can control the amount of light in your home as desired.

Another excellent option is installing exterior window shutters. They will reduce sounds, especially if you choose a model made of wood. Since this material is porous, it will dampen most of the noise. Plus, they will offer you some privacy.

8. Exterior barriers

I like this solution since it is highly efficient and eco-friendly at the same time. Planting wood, dense hedge, or shrubs in front of your window will reduce noise, increase fresh air levels in your neighbor, and enhance the aesthetics of your house. If you have space and possibility, think about installing a stone waterfall. What an excellent idea!

9. Soundproofing window kit


Window insulation kit, in combination with an extra layer of glass, is an excellent option for you to soundproof a window and reduce the noise coming from the outside. Unfortunately, it is not a cheap and quick solution to soundproof a window at all.

However, you can try to attach an extra acoustic grade or laminated glass, or even piece of acrylic over the inside surface of your window. Keep in mind that you will need a metal frame installed on the window to attach the new layer correctly.

This option will provide enough daylight, and you can quickly remove the frame to clean the window. On the other hand, it is an expensive solution that requires the time and effort to install.

10. DIY window plug

Basically, building a soundproof window plug is not a demanding job at all. These plugs are affordable and can block the noise efficiently. The best of all is that you don’t need to put them over the window permanently.

Just use plugs to control the level of noise when you need peace, and remove them when needed. The material is cheap, and the entire installation is not complicated.

11. Soundproof window inserts

Soundproof window inserts are actually sliding window panes you should place over the interior side of your windows. Keep in mind that it requires professional installation. It is an excellent option for you if you are not skillful or a fan of DIY solutions.

12. Window soundproofing film


Vinyl window film, including a one-way window film, is an ideal way to soundproof a window without too much effort. It will reduce the noise and retain the transparency of your window at the same time.

Basically, it is a window sticker, which you need to press directly onto clean glass until covering the entire window panes.

Even though this product has excellent acoustic properties, it can’t eliminate all the noise. However, adding acoustic caulk around the window frame will increase its efficiency.

It’s up to you which one model you will use. There are colored, transparent, opaque, and frosted window films at your disposal.

13. Double-pane and triple-pane windows

Purchasing double-pane and triple-pane windows are probably the best ways to soundproof a window since they can reduce the noise level by more than 50%. However, it is an expensive option.

On the other hand, besides reducing the level of unwanted sounds, these windows will keep your room warmer during the winter and cooler during the summer. Plus, they will decrease your energy bills in the long run.

14. External storm window


Installation of the storm windows on the outside will provide one more layer of glass, which will help you reduce the level of noise from the outside. Their efficiency will depend on the thickness of the glass and the quality of frame sealing.

15. Block the window

If you live in a highly loud neighborhood and there is no way to reduce the noise in some other way, the only option you have is to block your window.

It is not an ideal solution since you will run out of daylight and fresh air in that room. If you decide that it is the only solution you have, begin the process by removing the existing window. Then fill in the cavity and install the drywall over it. That’s it.

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