Double Hung vs. Casement Windows: Which is Perfect for You?

Double Hung vs. Casement Windows Which is Perfect for You

The windows represent the architectural era of one place. Also, they show the status, protect you from adverse weather conditions, and offer you an excellent view of our beautiful world. Moreover, they let the light into your homes and keep your intimacy out of other people’s sight. In other words, windows have a multi-purpose effect on our lives.

Among the different window styles, it is sometimes tricky to sort out and decide which window is right for you. However, when comparing double-hung vs. casement windows, you can see the essential points which will help you narrow down your options and pick out the perfect window for you.

Description of Double-hung and Casement Windows

In American society, these two windows are the most common choices. You can see them in almost all households and buildings. They represent American culture and style, yet they are different in several ways.

In general, it is hard to determine the double-hung vs. casement windows dilemma and make the right choice without detailed planning and defining your own needs. However, it is always better when you have more options.

Double-hung windows


Double-hung windows are about two centuries old. They are an example of the unique culture and style of the American people. You can find them the most in the east and mid-west as they have been very prominent in these areas for a long time.

These windows are popular in other parts of the US, as well. Therefore, most foreigners consider the double-hung windows a primary characteristic of houses from the American soil.

When you take a closer look, you will notice that this type of window has two sashes in the window that move up and down the track. That way, you can open either bottom part or top part of the window when needed.

There are always the window locks in the middle of the window. When you close both sashes halves, you can lock your window on the rim.

Plus, there is usually a simple lift handle at the bottom. This way, you can lift the lower sash and open it. The same thing is with an upper sash, where you can see a simple handle that you can use to lower the sash. These vary from model to model, but the principle of opening and closing is always the same.

In the past, double-hung windows used counterbalance weights in the side case of the window where it meets the wall. Their weight was hanged on the rope and gave the counterbalance to the sashes while opening and closing. Modern windows don’t have them anymore since there is a simpler mechanism available.

Casement windows


You can open casement windows both on the right or the left, depending on your preferences. These windows are opened to the outside. A falling down handle and a window regulator are mechanisms specific only for the casement window style, and they help the process goes smoothly.

There are also window locks that can help you secure your window after closing it. Firstly, you should close the window gap by using the falling down handle. Then, you need to use the window lock to pull the sash closer to the jam, so you can close it tightly and lock it.

To open the sash, you need to lift or open the window lock, depending on the lock mechanism. Then, turn the handle clockwise, and the window regulator will open the window up to 90 degrees.

If you want to close the window, you need to turn the handle counterclockwise. The moment you close it, you should pull it with the lock mechanism and shut it tightly.

Casement windows can have the push-down screens. It is a highly practical and convenient option, and you can implement mosquito screens when needed. Since this part is installed on the inner frame of the window, you don’t need to move it when opening your window.

Double-Hung vs. Casement Windows


You will see here the comparison of double-hung vs. casement windows in several categories. It will be of great assistance when you decide to pick out windows ideal for your home.

Differences in outdoor view and look

As I mentioned before, two panes of the double-hung windows have to meet in the middle of the window. Therefore, there is a window rim as a meeting point, which can spoil your view to the outside. If you prefer a marvelous sight, this type of window is not an ideal choice for you.

On the other hand, if you desire a truly American house look, there is no better choice but a double-hung window. Your home will show off the spirit of the past and patriotism. For now, it seems that the competition between double-hung vs. casement windows is unresolved.

Differences in window location

In some cases, it is impossible to reach the double-hung window to push it up or down. For example, if the window is installed over the kitchen sink, it will be quite hard to open it that way. Therefore, a casement window is a better choice in such a case since opening it by turning the handle is much more comfortable.

It seems that the double-hung vs. cement windows race is over here, but it is not even close. The fact is that you can’t install the window air conditioner on the casement window. So, if you plan to implement it in your kitchen, you should pick out the double-hung window.

Differences in glass options

Both double-hung vs. casement windows come in different glass pane options. You can choose the variety of glass materials and surfaces as there are no restrictions regarding the window styles. In this case, there are no pros and cons regarding window glass for both choices.

Differences in endurance

As I have already mentioned, you need to open casement windows to the outside of the room. That means these windows are more prone to damage as the weather conditions, including heavy rain and snow, often affect them negatively.

On the other hand, the double-hung windows are in line with the surface of the outside wall. The weather conditions don’t have that much impact on them, which makes this model a better option in double-hung vs. casement window competition.

Differences in cleaning

The double-hung windows have the so-called tilt mechanism to open, which makes cleaning the windows from the inside of your home comfortable. You need to tilt both sashes in the middle of the window, lower them down, and wash both sides.

Similar is with casement windows, which are not complicated to clean at all. You can crank them open to 90 degrees and wash thoroughly from both sides. The best thing is that you can do it from the inside of your home. That means that none of the double-hung vs. casement windows has an advantage in this case.

Differences in ventilation

In the ventilation category, there is a draw score regarding double-hung vs. casement windows. Both styles offer proper ventilation and airflow.

The double-hung window has the upper part for venting the hot air while the cold comes through the lower sash. And the casement window redirects the airflow into the home just like a sail.

Differences in energy efficiency

Here you can see the difference between double-hung vs. casement windows. The casement windows have a better seal, and they are always tightly close. Thanks to the specific mechanism, the airflow through this window is minimal.

On the other hand, double-hung windows are not so tightly close since they don’t have an adequate mechanism. So, regarding electricity loss or energy efficiency, the casement windows will save you more energy and will pay off more than the double-hung model.

Differences in window replacement

If you own a house or an apartment, you will need to think about the window replacement after a while. Unfortunately, windows have a particular shelf life and can’t last forever. However, there is no need to worry.

Nowadays, the prices don’t vary much regarding the window style, but things like glass and frame materials, mechanisms, and manufacturers. That means you have a lot of options to decrease your expenses after careful research.

When you choose between double-hung vs. casement windows, you will see that it is not hard to make a decision. In most cases, there is no difference in price whatever model you pick put. The main difference is in your taste, style of your home, and the climate in the region where you live.

I suggest not to exclude any options while choosing the ideal windows for your house. Moreover, well-fitted different styles can be a win-win combination. That means you can pick out double-hung windows for rooms where you plan to implement a window air conditioner.

Likewise, the casement windows will be an ideal solution for hard approachable spaces to make yourself easier to open it.


Which type of window you want to choose will depend on your personality. It is not the same if you are a practical person or put the aesthetics in the first place. So, you should think carefully and pick out the model of windows that is best for you.

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