Do Baseboards and Window Trim Need to Match? (You’d Love To Know)

Do Baseboards and Window Trim Need to Match

You know no rule forces you to use the same colors for your baseboard and trims. White trims are considered the most popular option and that’s because they complement almost anything, but does that mean your baseboard needs to be white?

When renovating the interiors of a home, most homeowners are faced with the challenge of using one color because they want a consistent look.

However, your window trims don’t have to match the baseboard, so you don’t have to go with that style if you don’t want to.

There are a few tips to help your décor complement each other; keep reading;

Do Baseboards and Window Trim Need to Match?

Don’t Overuse the Trims

You don’t need window trims if your walls have baseboards and door casings. Overdoing the decorations in your home will make it look overwhelming, and that way, you’ll ruin the aesthetics of your home.

Putting window frames when your home doesn’t require one will take away the attention from other beautiful elements, like the baseboards.

Not all windows require trims, and you need to know when to use one. If you are confused, you can contact a professional décor artist.

Ensure the Baseboards and Trims Complements

Earlier, we stated that no rule forces you to use a particular color for your window trims and baseboards. However, that’s not to say you can throw in different colors and expect your home to still look nice.

For instance, if your window trims are white, using black baseboards will give it a perfect look. You can also use a simple color for the walls, and if you feel it doesn’t match, throw in a lighter shade of black for the baseboard.

On that same note, you can’t expect your home to look nice when you use purple for the window trims and maybe green for the baseboards. If you are trying to achieve a bright and colorful look, you can check online for inspiration or ask a home decorator for help.

Also, to make things easier, you can just go ahead and paint the trims and baseboard the same color, as this is less stressful and will always look nice.

Ensure the Baseboards and Trims Complements
Image Credit: 6ixbuild

Use a Particular Trim Style

Not using the same color for your window trims and baseboard is acceptable; however, they need to be the same style. There are different architectural styles of trims in the market today, and it can be overwhelming to pick a style. But it’s important that your window trims and baseboards have the same thickness.

Color Your Ceilings

Sometimes, all you need is to paint your ceiling a different color, and everything will fall in place. Most people use white ceilings because they feel it brightens up their space, but using other brighter colors like light blue or pink can still give you that effect.

Also, if you are looking to have a colorful room, you can match the ceiling color to that of the baseboard, and use a complementing color for the window trims.

Doing things out of the ordinary will make your home stand out. Don’t be scared of trying new colors, just make sure they all complement each other.

Does Size Matter with Baseboards and Window Trims?

Before you consider what size and style of baseboard and window trim to use in your home, be sure of the look you want to achieve; modern and contemporary.

Let’s go over a few factors that’ll make your decision easier;

1. Personal Aesthetic

Depending on what your home already looks like, you won’t mind the size of the baseboard and window trims.

If your home has a monochromatic design, the size and style of the baseboard and window trims wouldn’t matter much, as you are only bothered about the color.

But if your aesthetic is coastal, then you need to be intentional about the size and color of the baseboard and trims. The reason behind this is that you’ll need to baseboard color to pop, and it has to match the trims to give a uniform look.

Personal Aesthetic
Image Credit: msajmb

2. Style of the Room

People design their rooms to have different feels, sometimes it can be modern, classic, or formal, and putting baseboards can help accentuate those styles.

You need to know that the style of your room will determine what type and size of trims and baseboards you need to use.

For traditional rooms that have dark solid wood as their elements, you’ll need a wainscoting style baseboard that’s a bit large to complement your home.

However, if you intend to use a baseboard in your room that has a formal look, then it’s best to go for smaller baseboards and trims. If you make the trims of the baseboard too big, nobody will notice the trims on the windows because it’ll already be too overwhelming.

But, for rooms that have a minimalistic look, you must use a matching baseboard and window trim, so your space doesn’t look cluttered and scattered.

3. Size of the Room

The size of your room is important when choosing baseboards and window trims. Sometimes, home designers make use of baseboards to give small rooms the illusion of height. If you make use of big window trims and small baseboards, it’ll cause the focus to shift to the window trims; thereby making the room appear bigger than it is.

For those with big rooms and high ceilings, using big-sized baseboards will still complement the look of your room. That’s because the ceiling is already high enough to accommodate any size of the baseboard.

How to Choose the Perfect Trim Color for Windows and Baseboards

Naturally, it’s better to use a particular color for the trims around the main colors of the house like the dining area and living room. If you wish to play around with colors, you can do that in your personal spaces like the bathrooms and bedrooms.

1. Wall and Trim Color Combination

You don’t have to go with the traditional white window trims on a colored wall; let your creativity go beyond that.

When you use a dark color for the window trims and baseboards, it’ll put more attention on the door frames and trims. You can get your color inspiration from the different elements in your home; it could be the cushions, rugs, and other accessories.

Use bright hue colors for the wall surface, and complement it with darker shades for the baseboard and window trims.

If the walls in your home have a dull color, use a contrasting hue color for the trims.

Wall and Trim Color Combination
Image Credit: themouldingsdepot

2. Different Color Inspiration for Wood Trims

You might want to be careful when matching your walls with wooden trims because, with one wrong move, your home will look clustered.

When you use dark wood trims for bright-colored walls, it’ll pull way too much attention to the woodwork, and unless your woodwork is worth the stares, it’s not exactly the best décor you can come up with.

For a better-finished look, use stain color on the wood trim instead of paint, as this will enhance the natural texture of your room. When it comes to stains, a large variety of colors are in the market, including reddish-brown, ebony, and golden yellow.

Using lighter-toned stains will create a sunny look, and it’ll match any dark wall.

However, if you intend on using painted trims, make sure you use a gloss or semi-gloss finish, as this will quietly draw attention to the trims.

3. Choosing the Best White Trim for Windows and Baseboards

If your walls have bold or neutral colors, using white trims will definitely make the whole space look nice.

For instance, in rooms with white walls, using white window trims and baseboards will make the room appear clearer with just a subtle trace of high contrast. And for rooms with dark walls, using white trims will bolden the already intense hue without it looking absurd.

White comes in different shades, so don’t limit your option to plain stark white.

You can use the lightest shade of your wall color for the trims, and it’ll still turn out perfect.

To get the best shade of white, take a piece of your white wall paint and hold it up against different shades of white you’ll find, and select the one that matches your style best.

Clear white paint color will go well with cool colors, while creamy white makes a good partner with intense and bold colors.

Should Window Trims and Baseboards Match Throughout the Entire House?

If your house is going to be decorated in a particular style, then it’s only right that the window trims and baseboards should match as well.

However, if your home is a mixture of Victorian and Coastal, then each room can have its personality.

Final Thoughts

Matching the trims and baseboards of your room is dependent on the design style of the room. You don’t need to use the exact trim throughout your home, especially when you have different themed rooms.

Nothing is stopping you from experimenting with your options when it comes to baseboards and trims; you can decorate both differ depending on your personal preference and the purpose of the room.

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