Can You Use Windex on Car Windows? (Pros & Cons)

Can You Use Windex on Car Windows? (Pros & Cons)

Windex is an efficient and widely used glass cleaning product popular worldwide. It makes home windows clean with a streak-free finish, but the question is, can you use Windex on car windows. Be sure that this question is controversial and that experts disagree about it. Many are convinced that this cleaner is an excellent option…

Can You Use Window Tint on Tail Lights? (legal or illegal)

Can You Use Window Tint on Tail Lights? (legal or illegal)

Many drivers enjoy using smoked tints for a sleek tail lights look but are unsure whether it is legal. The thing is that regulations are unequal in different countries. For instance, it is typically forbidden to use anything that lowers the tail lamps’ effectiveness in most US states, but things are different in Florida. You…

Can Window Tint Go on the Outside? (Exterior vs. Interior)

Can Window Tint Go on the Outside? (Exterior vs. Interior)

Most owners install window films inside to protect them from physical damage. However, the question is can window tint go on the outside because this option has numerous benefits, including accessibility, flexibility, and hard-wearing. Plus, it rejects heat more efficiently than the interior film type and provides additional privacy. Nowadays, tint manufacturers give their best…

How to Tell What Percent Tint You Have? (with Calculate Example)

How to Tell What Percent Tint You Have? (with Calculate Example)

Many drivers think about having their windows tinted, but only a few know everything about the tint percentage allowed. Once you apply the film to the glass, you probably ask yourself how to tell what percent tint you have. It is a crucial question, particularly if you plan to travel to another state. As you…

8 Tips for Saving Car Window Replacement Cost

8 Tips for Saving Car Window Replacement Cost

A cracked or broken car window is something you’ll want to get fixed right away. Hopefully, however, it isn’t a regular occurrence. That means that for most of us, we won’t be able to compare prices with previous jobs. So how do we know whether we’re getting a good deal? If you’re asking yourself, “How…